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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1826
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2025 .18 .7802
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 18،
number In Volume 3،
issue Number 109
Examining the Mind and Language of Hossein Sana'i Mashhadi
Minasadat Mollashahi , Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha (Author in Charge), Mohammad Amir Mashhadi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Mind and language are two important elements of the essence of poetry that are inextricably linked to each other. The poet"s intellectual system is explained in the form of poetry using his language and organizes his poetry. Sana"i Mashhadi is a lesser-known poet among the poets of the tenth century AH who has attracted the attention of scholars and writers due to his special poetic characteristics and innovations and his special way of expression; so much so that he has been considered one of the founders of the Indian style.
METHODOLOGY: The present research method is descriptive-analytical, which was carried out using library documents and resources based on the texts and poems of Sana"i Mashhadi and seeks to answer the question: What were the most important features of Sana"i Mashhadi"s Divan from the perspective of mind and language?
FINDINGS: Based on the findings of the research, Sanai Mashhadi is considered a pioneer poet in the Indian style who played a prominent role in the development and evolution of this style. Many features of the Indian style can be seen in his divan. The most widely used format in his divan is the "ode". In his poems, he has been able to use the linguistic possibilities of poetry well and use them to explain topics such as praise, descriptions, romance, etc.
CONCLUSION: Sanai Mashhadi has benefited from the capacities of the Persian language for word formation, composition, and creation of new and original images. He has used the common rhythm of the Persian language and has observed the side, internal, and external music; themes such as: praise of the Prophet and the pure Imams (AS), praise of kings and commanders, boasting, descriptions, romantic and mystical themes are among the most important and frequent intellectual themes in his poetry.
Hossein Sanaei Mashhadi
, mind
, language
, stylistics
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